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enabling dual careers

what SCC provides for you

offering solutions to companies and individuals

Bar de Vries: Good beginnings matter. Our work starts well before day one of a new assignment. We make sure new employees and partners have a smooth transition to their new life in Switzerland. Based on our local networks, we identify the best options for spouses to rebuild their careers locally.

We offer Pre-Hire-Employability Assessments, Workshops, Career Support, Settling-In Services and Networking Opportunities. We help job seekers optimize application packages and understand the Swiss job market. We give interview training, make introductions and support entrepreneurs in setting up their own businesses in Switzerland.

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working together efficiently

For corporate clients, our Key Account Manager is the single point of contact. He ensures efficient communication and fast decision-making. Our KAM works closely together with each company to understand needs and objectives, develop tailor-made solutions and evaluate their success.

For every accompanying partner, SCC chooses one dedicated consultant. They are selected to best match individual needs and goals and build a close working relationship. To find unique opportunities, consultants draw on the contacts, resources and expertise of the entire SCC team.


call us to arrange a first meeting
Phone: 044 500 25 96